WPL: The No. 1 in wood forwarding
It is our mission to give our clients more service. We go that extra mile and we save them money. That is what has made us the Number One in wood forwarding. WPL is the specialist for the worldwide transport and warehousing of every conceivable wood product.
Our specially-developed total concept enables us to handle your entire logistics and administration, from producer to final destination. The big advantage as far as you are concerned is that WPL is your only logistics partner. This means that we deal with all the red tape, thus saving you a lot of time and money!
On a silver platter
Our WPL team is made up of people who know what they are talking about. We know the ropes in the wood forwarding world. We know exactly what is possible where and we can present you with the solution to your problem on a silver platter. And that can sometimes be a very pleasant surprise...